Monday, January 11, 2010

Build a Solar Panel - Preparation Is The key To Success!

Where to Find Solar Cells

Depending on what size solar panel you are going to build, will dictate how many solar cells you are going to need. If you don't want to pay full price for your solar cells you can try a local company who repairs solar equipment or try eBay. Like road signs, these get damaged and chipped and get thrown away. These companies don't repair the actual cells, they just replace them. So you can salvage them and use them in your panel.

12mm Thick Plywood

The plywood is the main part of the construction of your solar panel. Get a good sheet of flat plywood and cut it to size. The plywood will be painted with a UV protector ensuring the elements do not destroy your panel for many years.

Soft or Preferably Hard Wood

If you can afford hardwood then get this as it will last longer when left outside at the mercy of the elements and again we will treat it with a UV protector to enhance the lifecycle of your solar panel.


Flexi- glass is used to protect the solar cells and all the electrical wiring. Some people like to use special glass that has the ability to collect infrared light. This is expensive but it will make your solar panel more efficient as the infrared feature will allow you to convert the suns energy in cloudy conditions.

Solder Tabbing Wire

This soldering wire enables you to connect the various solar cells together and so make a complete solar panel. The tabbing or soldering wire is manufactured from tin and has a very melting point.


Silicon is used to make the solar panel water tight by filling the gap between the flexi glass and the wooden frame. It is also used to hold the solar cells in place.

Wiring Solder

You use solder to connect the copper wires together. The solar cells produce the current, and this current is then carried from the solar panel to your home and connecting to the inverter or batteries depending on which system you have employed. Should the tin tabbing wire not stay in place, the solder can be applied to stick it back down again.


Flux is needed to ensure the tabbing wire sticks to the cells. A flux pen is very good for this as it is just the right width. The flux is essential for the tabbing wire to stick to the boards. If you do not use flux then the tabbing wire will not stick to the solar cells and no current will be able to run along it.

UV Wood Protector

Both the plywood and the wooden frame should be treated with a UV protector. This will protect your solar panel from the sun's UV light which has a tendency to rot wood very quickly.

Volt Meter

You want to know what the output of your solar panel is, so you connect the volt meter to the output and then angle your solar panel so that it is direct sunlight. The output increases as you add more solar cells.

Learn more about how to build a solar panel or visit here to understand how to Build a Solar Panel if money is in short supply.